Ashe stared up at the giant creature with nothing but calm on her face. This was where her strengths were. These are the types of creatures that she fought in her home world, massive, dangerous, monsters. Though normally she fought them with at least her entire squad, sometimes multiple of them. With just her and Sam, things might be a little tougher. But she wasn't afraid, they would handle this. It had to have a weakness, all creatures did, even if it was just a small one. The thorny tendrils started to attack both of them, and Ashe couldn't worry about Sam at the moment, she had to hope that he could handle this too. With a mixture of dodges, blocks, and slashes, Ashe skillfully moved around the tendrils unscathed. Sam apparently wasn't so lucky. Ashe heard a thump and someone crying out Sam's name. She turned to see him injured and unconscious on the ground. Ashe swore under her breath as the tendril attack started up again, some of them aiming for Sam's body. Ashe didn't even have to think. The warrior woman moved between the tendrils and Sam. She stood her ground, blocking and slashing the tendrils with her blade rather than avoiding them. She would make sure that Sam didn't get further injured. She was able to deflect most of them, but not all. One was deflected so closely that the thorns still opened a cut on her face. Another caught her in the left side, with lightning fast reflexes, Ashe grabbed the tendril with her left hand and yanked it out. Earning her a few more cuts on her hand, but stopping the injury from being serious, it only managed to sink in a couple of inches. Ashe was stuck. She couldn't let Sam get hurt, but if she was keeping the tendrils at bay she couldn't get him to safety either. She could even attack the creature from here, as she had no way of attacking long range. [i]"If I make it out of this alive, I'm asking Aerith to teach me some magic."[/i] But first, she actually had to make it out alive. "Sam! Get off your ass, I can't protect you forever!" Ashe shouted, hoping that maybe she could get her injured companion to wake up. Even if it was just long enough for him to get himself out of danger.