[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/KDNoPCb.jpg[/img][/center] Maoin finally finished her errands - she'd had a bit of her allowance to spend, but the familiar shop tended to have plenty of the stuff she wanted. She returned to the house, placing her items with the rest of her few belongings before sighing and taking a look around, shaking Lady Sorcha's shoulder softly in a manner that would wake her up. [color=darkslateblue]"Lady Sorcha, you've had your nap. It's time to get up. You need a bath anyways."[/color] Noticing Sol in the kitchen, Maoin approached. [color=darkslateblue]"Hungry, Miss S- AHH!"[/color] Spider! And so close to her noble lady! Maoin looked around quickly, grabbing a towel of sorts and quickly scooping the spider up. [color=darkslateblue]"D-Don't worry, I'll take it outside."[/color] The catgirl quickly scampered out the front door, opening the cloth on the ground - she considered brushing the spider off the cloth, but after a second on contemplation let it have the small thing. She could fetch the textile later. She didn't want to kill the poor thing - it took care of flies, after all. But it could do it's job outside! She spent far too much time cleaning the house for a spider to take up residence! Maoin returned inside, closing the door behind her. [color=darkslateblue]"Sorry about that, Lady Solana. Hungry? Sorry if my directions are hard to understand - if you want I can make it for you?"[/color] Maoin already grabbed the leftover tub out from the coldbox, turning the setting to three - the same place the spider had indicated. [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/HuFvrKV.jpg[/img][/center] Maids to choose from? Fia seemed a little uncomfortable at the idea, but only for a moment. It wasn't like she was buying a slave from the market in one of these dreams - she'd been around the maids, and for the most part they seemed happy to work there. Though as the door opened up, Fia looked at the girl a little surprised. Wasn't this Cynthia's friend? Mugi? The phoenix looked towards the headmistress, seeming a little confused. Wasn't she cold or something? The fourteen year old looked towards her mage. [color=salmon]"Not her. Too cold. She'll melt."[/color] [center][h3][color=wheat]Otille Kohler[/color][/h3][/center] [color=wheat]"AH! Cocoa!"[/color] Otille yelped slightly as she was picked up, looking at Cocoa as if she was some chivalric knight that proudly carried her burdens - and blushing just like the peasant girls in those stories as well. For a couple seconds Otille was speechless as she looked up at the face of her familiar, turned away, then looked back. [color=wheat]"Thanks ...[/color] Didn't the Headmistress say they needed to do something important? The girl gestured towards the three bags of loot. [color=wheat]"Can you pick those up then? Oh, we could go to ..."[/color] Otille quickly described the directions to Luna's residence. [color=wheat]"And we'll need to find somewhere to stay afterwards ..."[/color] Otille seemed to be deep in thought, but didn't think Cocoa would have too much input on that. She'd probably be happy to sleep in a warm stable, if it was up to her.