[quote=@Marquise] Just wondering what we know about our neighbors, pre-hostilities breaking out? [/quote] At the moment not much besides names and places and short bios on a few immediate neighbors that were relayed from free-trader navigation records. There is no formal courier service among the independent worlds and they are pretty spread out, so any information Aio does have is likely out of date. And there were a lot of independent colonies that went dark, both deliberately and not. Having a established trade company and freighter convoy that does regular trade to a specific neighbor world is a potential asset pick, with the GM providing some specifics on the returns ad their bio. [quote=@Marquise] Faction Name: Illuminated Ascendancy, commonly known as Luminaries. (SUBJECT TO CHANGE!) [/quote] This is edging a bit larger-scale in construction than what the average colonial society would be capable of, but does fit into the kind of resources and tech a Old Terra originated colony with a large automated workforce would be possible of. Very good concept that I approve of so far. Just to be clear, by "synthetic" what kind of aesthetic and type of synthetic are we talking about? Are vat-grown biosynth clones or robotic androids the majority? Both are viable, but they will influence your available starting units and ability to convert assets to the situation at hand. Extensive automation and low manpower focus will mean you are VERY good at what you are tooled for, but may have trouble adjusting for the unexpected on short notice. The primary constraint I need to put on your colony is against mass-producible sentient AI. Common industrial taskmaster expert-systems can be cranked out in factory lots, but human-grade sentient AI simply takes a lot of time to program and nurture in this setting. Otherwise having anti-aging drug factories, a hedonism and pop culture district, and a automated mining ship are perfectly viable options that are nicely thought out. EDIT: One last thing, what is your leader's title? I'll get cracking on a map soon. A note for peeps wanting to be lower-tech colonies than this: Still a perfectly viable choice.