[@Skylar] With regards to the type of synthetic that predominates, I'm going to say that the majority are gynoids and androids - although undoubtedly there'd be a fairly substantial minority of biosynths, mostly originating as former/current erotobots escaped from the wealthier and more decadent worlds. As for the aesthetic, I feel Amelia wouldn't care too much about the specifics of what the majority of her synthetic citizens look like - she isn't going to be specifying their skin must be Ivory Dawn and their eyes Atlantic Blue, for example - as long as they're beautiful. No rust-splotched androids with tattered synthskin hanging off them in rags - turn up looking like that and you'll be whisked off for chassis improvements post-haste. I figured there'd be some limitation on sentient AI, that's not a problem :) . Significant lead-in times for any production, understood. As for title...I really hadn't thought :P . She's a bit vain, and she has a palace, so let's go with Queen for now, even though she doesn't rule so much as a planet.