Cs Name: Sabrina Gender: Female Age: Species: Human Appearance: [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/92/d5/2d/92d52da6df1da8376767074f43253ec9.jpg[/img] Personality: calling Sabrina sick and sadistic wouldn't even begin to Describe how twisted she is not only dose she take great pleasure in causing pain and suffering but she also enslaves the soles of her victims and forces them to surve her as her undead playthings dispite the Sabrina is always smiling and always happy and cheerful Bio: Power: Voodoo Magic Family: Friends: Sentimental Attachment: Weapon: Other: Sabrinas Toys: Sabrina has meny toys that she grants power to but she dose have a few favorites Toy Name: Katarina Toy Gender: Female Toy Species: Undead Neko Toy Appearance: [img]http://i490.photobucket.com/albums/rr270/KymElfa/Anime/SuccubusGirl.jpg[/img] Toy Personality: like all her toys she is soul bound and obedient Toy power: Carbon Manipulation Abilities: Magic Toy Name: Vlad Toy Gender: Male Toy Species: Undead Lalafell Toy Appearance: [img]https://orig00.deviantart.net/52c7/f/2016/300/1/e/commission07_koko_final3_by_akane_n_candy-damecpy.jpg[/img] Toy Personality: like all her toys she is soul bound and obedient Toy power: Bone Manipulation Abilities: Magic Toy Name: Galahad Toy Gender: Male Toy Species: Undead Centaur Toy Appearance: [img]http://i64.tinypic.com/fu704i.jpg[/img] Toy Personality: like all her toys she is soul bound and obedient Toy power: Abilities: Magic Toy Name: Beast Toy Gender: Male Toy Species: Undead Minotaur Toy Appearance: [img]https://dncache-mauganscorp.netdna-ssl.com/thumbseg/689/689093-bigthumbnail.jpg[/img] Toy Personality: like all her toys she is soul bound and obedient Toy power: Alchemy Magic Abilities: Magic Toy Name: Brute Toy Gender: Male Toy Species: Undead Cyclops Toy Appearance: [img]http://moziru.com/images/drawn-warrior-cyclops-monster-3.jpg[/img] Toy Personality: like all her toys she is soul bound and obedient Toy power: Hair Manipulation Abilities: Magic Toy Name: Cerberus Toy Gender: Male Toy Species: Undead Hellhound Toy Appearance: [img]http://i66.tinypic.com/zlq3jo.jpg[/img] Toy Personality: like all her toys she is soul bound and obedient Toy power: Demon Physiology Abilities: Magic Toy Name: Trident Toy Gender: Male Toy Species: Undead Hydra Toy Appearance: [img]https://orig00.deviantart.net/7065/f/2015/064/5/a/hydra_1_by_supanova89-d8kkogp.jpg[/img] Toy Personality: like all her toys she is soul bound and obedient Toy power: Reptile Mimicry Abilities: Magic