Arydun lowered her head as she held the book to her chest, the look on her face was nervous and almost shameful but she knew she was stealing it for the right cause. If she didn't need to she would have left it where it was for it was safe there, the dragonette hoped that she could grab it and leave before anyone really noticed it was gone. She glanced up to Ren as he asked her why she needed to steal the book, she could see in his eyes that he was trying to figure her out and judging her based on his assumptions. Considering whether or not she should tell him Arydun decided, maybe it wouldn't hurt to tell one human if it will get him off her tail "I...I was hoping that it would help me save my race" Arydun spoke with truth in her voice as she continued to look to Ren, an innocent hopefulness fulled her green eyes but they also seemed sad "and maybe then...I could find someone like me who can teach me magic. I only know half of what I am capable off. I have meet many others..but never another spirit dragon like me" She continued as she gazed down again to the table. Just by her words and the look in her eyes one would be able to see that Arydun, no matter how old she looked or acted was still very young maybe even still just a child in dragon standards. Her innocent hopes that an ancient book could save their dying kind, though a child she may be the Spirit dragon was one of the most intelligent of dragon kind and she knew that the book could help her.