[hider=Sixer][center][/center] [h3][sup][center][b] Vincent "Sixer" Royalt [/b][/center][/sup][/h3] [sup][sup][h3][center][b] "How's about we shake on it?" [/b][/center][/h3][/sup][/sup] [b]LOOKS[/b] Sixer is a weasel in every sense of the word. Taller than most at 6'3, his dark eyes constantly flit over his surroundings hunting for shadows in the perpetual night. A shadow of a beard lies over his face and clashes terribly with his gleaming white teeth. He slicks back his thin black hair, but you'd never be able to tell because of the worn grey newsboy cap he wears at all times. His prized possession is his "lucky jacket" which on closer inspection reveals dozens of hidden compartments and holsters sown into the bulletproof fabric. His defining trait is his deformed right hand, which has an additional 6th finger on it. [b]PSYCHE[/b] Most people wouldn't be able to tell you about Sixer, not even his real name. At the very most they could you in which backstreet alley they met up with the strange, beanpole of a man. In truth he's a Fixer who doesn't rip people off, which is a weird and rare breed these days. His wits and charm are the only thing keeping him alive, since his looks certainly aren't doing any favors. Vinny prefers to stay out of the limelight, and would prefer to be on his enemies good side before the fight even starts. [b]HEAT[/b] If you've even heard of Sixer, chances are you're buying from him. [b]STREET CRED[/b] Oh maybe just a small timer now, but he's got plans. [b]THE STORY[/b] Vincent was never a special kid, born by a prostitute without money for the pill. He grew up alongside the other faceless urchins that fed off of each other to stay alive. Really just typical in every way, that is until they started to take notice of his "defect". The teasing was bearable at first, but then the beatings started and poor 10 year old "Sixer" had no favors left to cash in. Starving and alone he wandered into a dark alleyway and witnessed what would be his retribution. A deal gone bad, some small time booster gang wanted quickstimms, and fast. Unfortunately this particular Fixer was a bit too trusting and instead of some scratch in his outstretched hand he got the business end of a shiv. The punk had taken everything of value from the poor upstart, but left his jacket behind. Quickly the kid scurried over to the still warm corpse and tugged the jacket off the waster. From then on Vincent Royalt was no more. Instead, small timers in the ghettos spoke about a new supplier on the streets. Nothing more than another Fixer, competing for resources and money just like everybody. Except this time the handshake was a bit different. Sure he may just be a street peddler now, but he has plans of greatness. And all Sixer needs is a gang. [b]ARMED IN THE ONE AND TWENTY[/b] -jacket filled with various contraband, drugs and other small tools - 10 mm glock, 3 extra cartridges - Butterfly knife, dubbed "Slick" [b]...AND THE REST[/b] Has connections with several small, lesser known gangs and a various assortment of other Fixers, dealers, and suppliers. Has a strong belief that the number 6 is lucky. [/hider]