Hey gang! I've spent a few days mulling over how I was going to work the Nexus Network posts, and I decided that arguably the best way to do it is to post said post in the OOC and then link it to the bottom of your character sheet in the Character tab for easy reference. That way it doesn't get mixed up with the OOC and it keeps the character tab nice and tidy! For clarification, they are completely optional bits of writing that can be about anything related to your character. Write an in-character scene about their past or something they're doing on the side? Fair game! Humourous e-mail exchanges? Do it. Online activity logs? Be my guest. Mostly, it's just a chance for you guys to write stuff that wouldn't come up in the game if you're ever feeling creative or just want to tell a joke/ have a one off scene that you think would help flesh out your characters. I have one written up; I'll get it up after a few more IC posts hit the dirt.