[CENTER] [h2][Color=641E16]| ROUTE 3: Savannah |[/color][/h2][h3][Color=641E16][i]| January 2nd, Afternoon |[/i][/color][/h3] [Hider=| RIN | The Restless, Rambunctious Rival |] [Img]https://i.imgur.com/bvG1klF.png[/img] [Color=641E16][b]◇◇◇[/b][/color] [Color=rosybrown][B]They/Them[/B] Pronouns for When Referring to Rin.[/color] [Color=E6B0AA][i]Thank You![/i][/color] [Color=F2D7D5][b]◇◇◇[/b][/color] [/Hider] [/CENTER] Rin cocked their eyebrow when the Standard Pokéball broke up, rolling uselessly away into the dry grasses. Sprawling out its limbs from its shell, the wild pokémon looked ready to keep the fight going. [Color=rosybrown]"Fine then. You can be a footnote in the annals of Anusobeket's legacy!"[/color] Whipping out their dramatic pointer finger, their [i]Totodile's[/i] eyes sharpened with malicious intent. [Color=rosybrown]"Show him just how strong you already are, Anu. [U][b][i]Water Gun[/i][/b][/u] one more time!"[/color] [CENTER] [@Balthazar007] [/CENTER]