[@Gentlemanvaultboy][@MikkishtheLeprechaun] Leaving a trail behind her of disordered walking and tear drops, Bara started to hold in the snuffles the closer she came to the lighted district. In public the release would be just too much, for herself and others to deal with. As she started to correct herself, somewhat, she recognized a voice from the chopper: "Hey." It wasn't a shout, but it was coming from behind. She spun and her shoulders rose, stiffened. [i]Oh my god, my face right now[/i]...The girl thought with horror, but in an attempt to take the honest route, pulled a half-hearted smile. "Uh." It was the woman with a mature visage, mature body. She was at once lovely and intimidating, someone whose worldly experience could easily trump rookies. Yet this woman hesitated as if fresh herself to this type of social interaction. Bara swiped at her face with her sleeve. "Here," West said, and held out a handkerchief. Without hesitation, a warm feeling rushing to her fingertips, she took it. "You shouldn't be out here on your own. There could be...stuff. Bad stuff. Mind if I walk with you?" "Thank you." Went back to dabbing her face. Keep it cool. "Sure, you can come if you want. I'm sorry if my leaving was a problem." Reaching down to pet her anxious dog, she beamed honestly. "I just felt a bit overwhelmed. 'Sides the magic stuff, all of you know what you're doing. You know what it's like to learn and fight. Me, I'm waiting to be laughed out of this school. I...I really am unsure if I should have..." She was about to say the word [i]ran[/i], but sucked it into her throat at the last second. With a pale face, she stroked her holster as if it needed reassurance. Maniacles was explicit-- informing anyone of their non-consensual threats was grounds for expulsion from this program. Implications she'd like to shrug off for now. "But I said this was awesome. Said I wanted be here and I'm here now. Really, I thought I'd walk it off. Check out the city. Get some supplies for this lil' girl here." Giggles. Dog panting happily. Blushing. Was it okay to be friendly? It had to be. Bara realized she was still holding the handkerchief and wondered about the proper etiquette. "Would you like it back? Or should I keep-" Cut off by the sound of a man, boy nearly. Two of them strolled up as if close friends to not only themselves but the stranger women. "Hey, are you alright? Cute dog. I have something that might cheer you up." He proffered a bowl pipe from some pocket. "Wanna smoke with us?" Almost instantly Miko turned her head and growled. White fur rose at the base of her tail. Not out of overt fear, but at an unrecognized voice, a new scent boldly intruding near her owner. In an odd tone at that. "Hush Miko. Um, I.." [i]For god's sake, try to act competent in front of her.[/i] She shook her head, thick brown curls bouncing. "No thank you. That stuff can be bad for your lungs, just like tobacco smoke." [i]Okay, but is this competent or just stupid?[/i] Dabbing her face a little more, she backed away from the men slightly and turned to look at West for a cue.