[b][h3]Emilio[/h3][/b] Emilio had hardly begun inspecting his room and thus reacted very quickly and picked up the device which relayed the teams and the place to check out. [b]"Oh I see. A new army squad. Best get going then."[/b] He smirked and opened the window to his apartment and took a leap out from it and took flight very quickly towards the west. Upon arriving at the scene he landed on top of a lamppost placing both his feet on top of it, spotting Tenshi and later also Vita. [b]"Aha? You are here. Hinanawi..." [/b]His eyes turned slightly into slits and then he turned to Vita. [b]"Oh and you too. Red."[/b] He giggled slightly then surveyed his surroundings from his advantage point, having the lower part of his face down in his collared vest. [b]"Good grief... it is just dust. Want me to blow it away?" [/b]He didn't find the dust to be an overly strange thing. He had seen plenty of such things during the wars of his world. Where cities lay in ruins and people were dead all over the place during the war between his kind and the humans. [b]"Could it be someone might have gotten killed here?"[/b] [b][h3]Menomaru[/h3][/b] Having been introduced to his room in the building. Menomaru was far away from pleased. It was small. It was too humanlike and that drawing on the wall of a dog made him think of that half-demon Inuyasha. He did wonder for a moment how that half-demon would have reacted to this world. Seeing what he had seen. The moment he would have told him that all his friends and everything he knew was made up by some humans. Menomaru found it odd how much the idea of Inuyasha in despair amused him. The dumb half-demon would had been so easy to deceive in this place. Now when he thought about it, he would had made a perfect pawn against that hotheaded idiot human. Mordred. How he hated her. Not only her though but the priestess and the cocky little blonde girl too. His thoughs were interupted by a beeping sound. Instinctively his eyes darted to the source. [b] "Be silent."[/b] He drew his blade and had it cut through the table it was located on. Causing it to glide slightly and the message would play. They are already seeking to employ his expertise? He felt annoyed being forced to join that thickheaded girl Mordred yet again. But it seemed like Nanoha was not going to join them. Excellent. This was just what he had waited for. Without her pestersome magic. He could have that Mordred girl killed. Even better. He could kill alot of people and then have that dumb girl wave her sword in his direction to kill some extra. He felt a shiver go up his spine as evil joy filled him. He saw someone dart past in high speed past his window. Who it was? He wasn't able to see, that person moved faster than himself. He however made it out of his room. Not bothering to lock it and made his way down to the truck where he stood awaiting the others. ...and sure enough someone did come. [b][h3]Alberich[/h3][/b] He had gotten out of the shower and gotten dressed in his temporary clothing when a beeping sound alerted him. It was not a difficulty for Alberich to figure out how to use it. It was not the kind of device one could find in his homeland, but the outside world had these kind of things. Though he had never seen one so advanced and little before. Overhearing all the names he only reacted to one name. [i]Mordred?[/i] He knew that name. He had read about someone named that. [i]Could this be -that- Mordred?[/i] He doubted it but wasn't certain. After all he had met Siegfried, he who killed the dragon and was covered in it's blood. It wasn't impossible. Never in his years did he think he would run into someone like Mordred. Providing this was indeed the same one he knew of. He didn't bother taking on his armor now. He could call it later if he needed it. He wasn't completely helpless without it. Alberich made his way down to the truck where there was already someone waiting. That person had a look about him that Alberich did not like. That guy carried himself in some self-important manner. Was this... He had to ask in order to know. [b]"Are you Mordred?"[/b] Alberich asked to the man before him with the odd facial markings, antennas, elf-like ears and a long cape? The question caused the man in question to twitch his eyebrows, gritting his teeth and offer a low [b]"Tcchhh.."[/b]. Alberich waited for the man to reply but he didn't answer, so he just stood there and stared for what seemed to be an eternity.