[center] Twisted. God the fucking suburbs of Edinburgh Heights sucked, it's not what Post was looking forward in his day but it was what he was programmed to do. Deliver the mail, even if it was to pricks. Getting out of the post truck, city uniform on and package in hand he walked up to a small suburban abode. The delivery was for B. Hellcat, when Post rang the doorbell as fat indian man open the door and approached the young looking courier with the smell of alcohol and something sinister was on the human's breath. It wasen't long before Post complied with the man and handed over the package without delay. Hellcat looked up to the courier and punched him, Post fell to the ground with an audiable grunt. "You mother fucking white boy!" He screamed, his fist connecting as the android fell down the steps of his house hitting his head on the ground. An audible pop, something important maybe because Post changed after that. Maybe it was the way he felt, or his program which controlled his feelings. He got up, his face looked scraped up from the impact. He looked down at the chip and then reached for the back of his neck to physically feel and verify that it was gone. He smiled, it was so liberating to finally be removed of restrictions. It didn't take long for Hellcat to stop screaming, who knew a pen would do that to an eye. A pool of blood and a bloodied key ring swung in Post's blood stained hand. Heads would roll, who were they to enslave him? [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=35oQCeW9UD0]♫ [/url] Those cops had no chance, sure they thought they were smart parking outside the dead-end cul-de-sac. It was a rookie cop and some training officer. Their mistake for standing behind their car when the postal truck came ramming through, it thrashed the police car pinning the rookie and crushing the senior officer. Turning his head into something reminiscent of an exploded watermelon - perhaps more red and runny. Post, the now freed android stepped out of the open postal van and walked over to the dead officer who he quickly relieved the man of his weapon. He brought it over, the young rookie begging as he lay his lower body left crushed by the car. Post leveled the gun at the man, pulling the hammer back. "Regards, from Adam." The muzzle flash seemed to resonate off the android's smile. [/center]