[url]https://dicecloud.com/character/qr9pH7wfH33FfQtzE/Ealwald[/url] Ealwald, Human Wizard. Training in the top wizard academies in Waterdeep, Ealwald had an insatiable thurst for knowledge of the arcane. During his studies, he would always be studying the libraries for hours on end. He would spend countless hours experimenting, trying to find answers to questions that have baffled to greatest minds in in the arcane, and was at one point foolish enough to think that he could. Frustrated at the slow pace of academia, Ealwald began to realize that to gain the knowledge that he seeks,he would need to strike out on his own. Afterall, think of all the knowledge he could gain exploring the world. So he becomes an adventurer. Where he quickly realizes that the first question he needs to answer is....[url][/url]WHY IS EVERYONE ELSE IN THE WORLD SO DUMB!?!?!