Did I? Did I specify that the bus was the same exact bus that he was on before he arrived? Was the bus driver around anywhere? Was it ever specified that he was actually [i]driven[/i] to the location? Was it ever specified that I was supposed to just start somewhere? I think the most I did was have him pass out on a bus, and awaken in another one in the world. That was mainly for the purpose of giving him some plausibility that for whatever reason, he was driven to another city, rather than being transported to another world altogether to give him only the semblance that something is wrong, rather than something extraordinary or supernatural has occurred. As far as I can tell, I haven't broken any rules, nor have I completely destroyed any plot lines, nor have I even changed the essence of the story. Plot line two, as specified by Letme was essentially "You have woken up in this strange place or were pulled there by a portal, unsure of how you got there." The most I did was have Joe fall asleep on a bus, then woke up in a strange new world in a spot that is parallel to the one he fell asleep in. I thought that it would be more interesting than "I woke up in an alley, lol".