[@Camey] [@Lyla] [@Lumiere] Effie grinned happily at her, well she wasn't sure if Nez was quite a friend yet. Perhaps the closest organism to her since the disappearance of dear Professor Oblos. It was quite amusing, now that she thought about it, that the creature she had found the most fondness to happened to be synthetic. Nevertheless, she smiled at the android's jest. It was important for Effie to remind herself that Nez was in fact an automaton, she presented herself with such humanistic behaviours. Ef turned her attention back to Kaite as the creature introduced itself, in its strange and thick accent. [color=#00868B][b]"Nice to meet you, Kaite."[/b][/color] She said after Nez kindly explained the locale they currently occupied. [color=#00868B][b]"I also have only been here a handful of times, although I can tell you that this is probably the best spot in the city for you to have accidentally popped up in!"[/b][/color] Effie regarded the summery outfit, and was about to ask where in all of Aieth Kaite had come from. However, much to her excitement, the waitress had returned. [color=4286f4][b]"Happens I have time now, if you wish miss."[/b][/color] Effie refrained from clapped in excitement. [color=#00868B][b]"Goodie! It is convenient that you come now, Nez if you don't mind I would love to hear from you as well."[/b][/color]. Effie gathered up some notes and quickly removed a few of the chunky books from the table and into her knapsack, which she knew without a doubt would fit all of her readings as well as her personal belongings - such as clothes and toiletries. It had been a gift from Oblos on her 12th birthday, where he had acquired it he would never say. Effie picked up her quill that seemed to come alive in her hand, twitching and whirring back to life. The small thing was ready to do its masters bidding. [color=#00868B][b]"Alright, lets get started. A few simple questions. Before we start just know that if I ever get at all too personal you are free to pass or remain silent. So, tell me, how have you come to know most of the knowledge you have. Are you, perhaps, programmed to know these things or have you learnt them throughout your lifetimes. Is it a combination of the two? If it is the latter option, though, do you need constant programming to retain information gained?"[/b][/color] She said it all breathlessly, grinning at the end and looking at her subjects expectantly.