[hr][hr] [center][h1][color=e542f4]Adalene Jones[/color][/h1] [img]https://78.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m2teghzU651qaiasao1_r1_500.gif[/img] [I]Location: Apartment, New York, New York Interacting With: N/A Abilities being used: Fire Manipulation[/I][/center] [hr][hr] Adalene rested a piece of bread lightly into a sizzling hot pan, making a quick lunch for herself. This was her interim week, right between classes starting back up, and her summer job coming to an end. She piled on a couple of slices of cheese and a topping piece of bread, and set it to cover for a minute. She leaned back against the counter behind her, and looked up at the ceiling pensively. It had been two months since she burned Caitlyn's apartment to the ground, and they'd barely talked since. Things like accidental arson tended to do that, especially when they went completely unexplained. Curiously, she looked at her stove top. She'd made a few more fires since the incident, much more controlled ones, but fires none the less. The thing was though, none of them burned her. She crept towards the pan she was cooking pan, and paused for a second, considering what she was about to do. It went against all instinct she had, but still, she had to know. She lightly poked her finger into the pan, and quickly pulled it out, a small "[color=e542f4]Eek![/color]" Escaping her lips. She stuck her finger in her mouth, nursing the burn. While she was doing this, she froze, as she heard her TV in the background. Her head snapped, and she skittered to the other room. By the time she reached the TV however, the news had switched to the next story. "[color=e542f4]What the fuck...?[/color]" She asked herself. What she overhead sounded eerily similar to her dream. She didn't want to, no [i]couldn't[/i], entertain the thought that that had actually happened. She massaged her temples with her free hand, and then quickly remembered her sandwich, and rushed back to the kitchen to flip it. Unfortunately for her though, it had burned slightly. Frowning, she stepped over to the sink, and started to run cold water over her finger, hoping to get the burn treated enough before it set. Her mind went back to her dream from last night. It was far from typical for her to say the least. She shuttered a bit, remembering the sight of the girls head splitting open, and even more so at the figure looking directly at her. She withdrew her hand, and exhaled heavily. "[color=e542f4]I gotta figure out what's going on.[/color]" She said to herself, determination in her voice. She walked back over to the oven, and turned off the heat, removing her sandwich from the pan and onto a plate. She, however, wasn't feeling especially hungry at the moment. She glanced down at her hands pensively, and made a decision. If there was even a chance her dream really happened, she needed to be ready. She needed to be able to protect herself. Adalene was never the type to let herself be vulnerable, and that wasn't gonna change anytime soon. She brought her fist up to eye level, her thumb between her palm and digits, and focused on the fear she got when the man from her dream seemed to look at her. She flicked her thumb against the inside of her fingers, like striking a match, and turned her palms up to the sky, trying to make a flame appear in her hands.