He pinches his lip. Yellow flakes of skin specked with black coffee grains come off on his fingers. Then he traces his finger along the lower lip to search for more, and pricks it on a sharp edge; he's found another flake. The Law of Even-ness declares that flake must come off too. But this one doesn't peel off cleanly. It must be torn off. Experience says that means blood. Should he peel slowly to minimize bleeding, peel quickly to get it over with, or try to peel around it to prevent bleeding entirely? The years have taught him that it's better to suffer an uncomfortable bump on the lip than to taste copper and hold a tissue for the next half hour. He peels around it and throws the flakes in the trash can. Satisfied that his lips are now mostly smooth, he slumps in his chair and stares at the computer screen. Take another phone call? Or sit in After-Call Work for a few minutes? One could get fired for sleeping at work, but one could also get fired for doing the job wrong. Is it better to keep working and risk making mistakes, or rest for a bit and run the (low) risk of being caught napping? Callers' rude screams can wait. On the balance, a brief power-nap sounds like a good choice. Then he remembers that there was an internet article that said one possible cause of exhaustion is dehydration. A transparent purple water bottle sits on one corner of the desk, already half drunk. Perhaps a sip or two would help. The lid breaks away with a friendly "pop" before a cool, soothing drink of purified water washes down his throat. He's barely put the bottle down before a minor (but notable) surge of energy lifts his spirits. Welcome to life in Arizona.