Hi there! So, first off - I'm not going to drone boringly on with a laundry list of my pet peeves. I'm a relaxed kinda' gal with a sense of humour, so a partner that mirrors that would be fabulous. However, relaxed doesn't mean that I don't have standards. I am an advanced level writer, and that's what I'm looking for. Character development and plot twists are a big fat plus in my eyes, and I adore personality and gusto. As the title might suggest, this is a Teacher x Student or Professor x Student kinda' deal. It's something that I have been craving for a while, and I will be totally over the moon to get something started. I'm a big fan of confident and substantial characters. They are much more fun to write with. There will be adult content, but I will say that I do not take part in anything abusive. Let's be civilised, eh? Now, as far as plot goes I do have something in mind, but I'm totally open to ideas and plotting with my partner. Always feel free to chat to me, I'm a people person. I'm seeing this as a pairing that gets to explore lots of juicy and rather sensual scenarios, however - it's not a smut fest. There will be a story, and we will be building and adding to it along the way. Of course there will be smut, but at a tasteful sorta' level. Oh, and I'm looking for someone to play M in a MxF pairing. I always end up playing the male role, so I'm looking for a break! Anyhoo, that about sums it up! PM me if you fancy it. Lola