[center][color=yellow][h3]Lunalel Lightsword[/h3][/color][/center] [color=yellow]"Geez, I really just want you two to get along. We're all a family now and I don't want us to be hateful of each other."[/color] Luna said before leading Avaline into the butcher. There were plenty of different types of meats here. Just about anything someone needed. [color=yellow]"But yes, we're having to feed a lot of people now, so pick two things out. Maybe some hams or something."[/color] [center][color=green][h3]Katherine Lindall[/h3][/color][/center] [color=green]"It's good to help those around you. Let us head to my place after here and I'll get you something warmer."[/color] Katherine said. She wasn't all too sure what exactly would fit the woman. She seemed a little fuller up front, but it didn't seem to be much more so. The waitress passed by so Katherine grabbed her, [color=green]"Here's the payment. Keep the extra for yourself."[/color] She said, placing some coins in her hand. She wanted to be able to leave whenever she wanted. [color=green]"Alas, I know little about who'd want a dancer. Well, I'd love to just look at one of those belly dancers every day, but I couldn't do that really. I don't have that kind of money."[/color] She added in, jokingly. [color=green]"You might be able to ask around the taverns maybe."[/color] [color=tan][h3][center]Kozue Komichi[/center][/h3][/color] Oh, how these magical spears were annoying. Disappearing and reappearing. She sort of wished she had her weapon right now. For now, she'd make due. This demon seemed fairly weak. Well, in the physical sense of it. She seemed to either be holding back, or perhaps being held back. It was disappointing. For the moment though, she just side-step the spear a bit. Enough to bypass the spear tip and then moved in to make an open palmed strike to Marie's shoulder. Strong enough to send the demon backwards some. [color=tan]"How much of your power is being held back? This fight is disappointing. If this is all a demon is, then perhaps my years of training is worth nothing."[/color] The warrior-nun said, meaning to be insulting. [color=b22222][h3][center]Solana Lightsword[/center][/h3][/color] Sol followed the spider to the stove and... [color=b22222]"Oh! Setting three? Oh! That's what it means."[/color] She gently petted the spider a bit. She knew little fear, at least, when it came to this spider. It was rather cute AND helpful. She couldn't help but wonder if it was some sort of mythical spider of ages past. Though, she didn't have much time to think on it more as Maoin walked in and them promptly noticed the spider after trying to wake the Dragon-Lady. [color=b22222]"Ah, wait! Uhh, Kitty?"[/color] She just followed behind Maoin to the door and picked the little spider up, letting it crawl onto her open palm."[/color] She looked to Maoin and just had to tell her as it was. [color=b22222]"This spider is good, Kitty! Her name's Ariadne and she's really smart. She even showed me what 'Setting 3' was on the stove.[/color] She took the little creature over to where the stove was and held her hand level to the countertop. [color=b22222]"Can you show me 'Setting 3' again, Ariadne?"[/color] [color=teal][h3][center]Mugi the Yuki-Onna[/center][/h3][/color] Mugi was cleaning about. Dusting this, wiping that... In fact, she was cleaning the inside of the front windows of the building when she saw Livia and her little familiar walking up. [color=teal]"Oh my! My first time to greet her while working."[/color] The Yuki-Onna said as she timed opening the door just right. [color=teal]"Greetings, Miss Livia! Miss Fia. Pleasant day, isn't it?"[/color] She said happily. Then Fia said something about her melting... She looked confused and worried. [color=teal]"Ehh? What? Melt? What? Don't... Melt me? Please? My cutie just got me to help out and I hate to end it all, already."[/color]