>What is the single thing that excites you the most when you role play? Is it the creation of characters? Is it the interactions among players? Is it world building and exploration? Is it how you can be someone you want to be? All of it, really. None of it as well. Nothing about it really excites me [i]that[/i] much. Its more I don't feel whole when I don't roleplay, nevermind how weird that sounds. >There are so many alternatives out there, from immersive novels to video games; but why specifically do you choose to spend your time on role play rather than others? What makes roleplaying so special to you? I've grown out of video games. Honestly, the bore me to no end. At best I'll play a game or teo of HoMM3 with some friends. I do read a lot. Everything from fiction to non-fiction to the stuff inbetween (read: German philosophy). Oh and currently I've only got one hand, so gaming is kinda hard. And sports is kinda hard. >Also, do you think there is something you hate about role-playing on forum that you would like to see improve? Nah.