An eager opponent, one that she felt may have been a little too eager to get the fight started. Such a bold move as throwing your weapon was dangerous, especially if you had no other weapon as your back up. With the weapon hurtling towards her, Annabelle side stepped to her right, the halberd sailing past and clattering to the ground several feet behind her. As Odum came charging at her, golden psionic energy exploded out of her body. This was the physical representation of her use of a Mantel of Awakening on a Memory of Jubilation, augmenting her speed so that she could better fight this man. He looked strong, but her training would see her through on this day, that and her physical augmentations. As Odum came charging towards her, she would prepare her next move. Keeping to her stance, it appeared as if she was going to attempt a thrust into the upper torso of her opponent. Such an attack was sure to do some damage, either a piercing of his lung, or nicking an artery, or even going through the wind pipe. What mattered now was waiting to see what Odum would do, as he wasn't quite close enough to be in range of her strike.