[h2]Mordred[/h2] After that little conversation, Mordred busied herself about checking out the room. There wasn't too much too it, and she hated all the clothing options, but hey, the fridge was stocked! She saw no problem with helping herself to the contents immediately, eventually extracting a popsicle to have a taste of. It was... lemon? It tasted like lemon, that was for sure. Of course, it wasn't much longer after that, that the call for aid came out. Of course, she was a knight, so even without this agreement she would never turn her nose up at [s]kicking something's ass[/s] helping those in need! Nodding firmly to herself, she pulled on a pair of boots and headed out to reach the van. The ride to their destination was, at least in Mordred's opinion, awesome. "Hell yes! This is what driving is all about!" she declared, cheerfully, careful not to lose her popsicle. It was that girl from before in the driver's seat too, right? The one who'd gotten all excited about her? She was an awesome driver! An exciting ride, this is what Mordred wanted from being in a vehicle. She wasn't sure why no-one else looked happy, this was great. Of course, it was over all too soon(and likely in a fashion that terrorized any bystanders), and still clad in her casual wear Mordred hopped out of the van and approached the... sludge. The first thing the blonde was hit by was the absolutely awful stench, wrinkling her nose and waving her hand. "Jeez, whatever this thing is it [i]stinks[/i]," she complained, stopping at what she felt was a safe distance from the ooze. [@Dezuel][@Raineh Daze][@PKMNB0Y]