[right] [h3][color=40ceb6][i]Ivory[/i][/color][/h3] [hider=Status] [b]Location:[/b] [i]The Empty Bottle[/i] [b]Notes:[/b] [i]Interacting with[/i] [b]Xen[/b] [/hider] [hider=Description] [url=https://i.pinimg.com/564x/65/5f/92/655f92322378bba882c250263117f09d.jpg]appearance pic[/url], roughly 5' 7" with a lean build, confident mannerisms, clothing doesn't stand out or indicate any form of wealth/lack of wealth [/hider] [/right] [hr] Demon. The creature in front of Ivory couldn't be a man, a human. Could he? His crimson eyes held hers when he stretched his hand to greet her. She reciprocated the gesture out of conditioning but barely caught the end of his question in her haze. [color=0054a6]"...pleasure of making the acquaintance?"[/color] He was introducing himself. What was his name? She had missed it, mostly still in her own mind, surprised by her lack of fear. If this man was truly a demon, why wasn't she afraid? She responded, her voice steadier than she expected it to be. [color=40ceb6]"I'm Ivory. Did you say you knew where I could find blood thistle?"[/color] She glanced back at the Naga running the shop, glaring at his obvious deception. It didn't surprise her that a shop owner in this area would be less than honest. It did surprise her, however, that the man in front of her would be willing to help her out of the kindness of his heart. Wormsloe residents weren't kind. She would keep her cards close to the chest until he showed his own. She knew how to play a helpless damsel when it suited her. She turned back to the man in front of her. [color=40ceb6]"I would greatly appreciate it if you could assist me. Please."[/color] She smiled slightly.