[color=00a651][h2]Niko Hiruko[/h2][/color] [@Crimmy][@Krayzikk][@GarlandDaHero][@Crimmy] Nico adjusted his glasses and felt his cheeks warm as Corrine recounted the tale of how she felled the monstrous bear. He [i]loved[/i] stories and made sure to read every detail of hers. He slid in closer to the group as they made their way to Ireland, his glasses told him Hazel's PDA was speaking for her and the tone seemed fairly serious so he decided not to read too much into it. It could be private after all. The technology was fairly advanced in his glasses, which transcribed every word it could hear. However it didn't offer much in the way of privacy. Of course that being said - he also couldn't judge the volume she was speaking at. He examined the pink-haired woman for a second. She reminded him somewhat of ancient films he had seen, the shining hero who had come to save the day. Her demeanor sold him on that instantly. At first he considered speaking with her, signing something. But he was pretty quick to assume most couldn’t understand signs. As such he simply slumped into his chair allowing the hero her peace and quiet. He would get the chance to speak with her or Hazel Ada Stoll later on in Ireland. He considered their mission, and what the food was like in Ireland. If he had researched properly it meant that there would be an abundance of wonderful warm stews available for purchase there. He hoped that was correct, once more his cheeks warmed as he flashed a content smile on his lips closing his eyes and awaiting arrival.