[hider=Zrell] [img]https://pre00.deviantart.net/91bb/th/pre/i/2012/289/4/a/modern_dwarf_by_marcospincelli-d5hzis3.jpg[/img] Name: Zrell Age: 32 Race(s): Imp Gender: Male Appearance: very short even for an imp, dogs tower over Zrell with his mighty height of three foot two, clearly making up for his lack of size he is fairly bulky; barrel chested and with arms which would seem impressive on a larger frame. Has a rough black beard and hair which he keeps slicked back, the dark colour of which stands out against his pale skin. Overall he looks like a miniature biker gang member: crusty leather jacket, white shirt complete with egg stains, inch thick boots and the oldest pair of jeans you have ever seen. Powers: telekinesis Racial Trait(s): omnidirectional senses Genetic Trait(s): small size Sorcery abilities: manifestation of wings, can infuse objects with magical properties, slight boost to racial telekinesis, awareness and much to Zrell’s annoyance shortness. Patron occasionally offers tasks to complete in exchange for boons. Personality: grumpy and unwelcoming, Zrell has had enough of other people causing him problems or begging him to deal with theirs. People would probably understand if he bothered to tell them about his past instead of doing his best to be unpleasant. To friends though he can be slightly more welcoming and even funny, especially if drink and cards are involved. Is very self conscious about his height, especially since his patron demon said they would take an inch off his height every time he annoyed them. To the unfortunate soul who decides to take a jab at him for being short a trip to A&E is guaranteed. Biography: Zrell was born into slavery deep in a mine, as he grew up he was abused and malnourished, this greatly attributed to his less than average height. Luckily the slaves were rescued when he was at an early age, unluckily the slave rehabilitation schemes in New York didn't work at best and at worst chucked the newly freed into ghettos with the worst of criminals… the latter happened to Zrell. In order to survive the ex-slaves turned to sorcery, taking power from powerful demons who offered the power to protect themselves in exchange for deeds in the material realm, this rough upbringing made Zrell bitter and hateful of those who seek to oppress metahumans blaming them for his troubles. In his early adulthood he joined a gang which served his demonic master and carried out attacks on rich pure humans who they saw as the scourge of society. Zrell has since escaped his former life and is now working as a personal bodyguard, he has since tried to make amends for his crimes and tries to support cooperation between races when he can. Despite this he still maintains his sorcerous connections, you never know when it might come in useful to have a demon on your side. Equipment: self enchanted dagger which acts an extension of his omnidirectional senses, allowing him to 'see' the area it is in, and can be summoned back to him at will; can be moulded into different shapes and even fixed when broken given enough time and energy. [/hider]