Sam stood in the back of the office sucking on a cherry lollipop and listening to the little man pitch his deal in front of the motley group that showed up after answering the ad for help.. It was a sad case really, and even sadder that the local law enforcement was unable to do jack. But, as much as the girl didn’t like to see violence happening to anyone or anything, she also couldn’t help but raise a question that was no doubt on everyone else's mind as she pulled the wet lollipop from between her lips... “Um, what is it that we’re doing here exactly?” She said, mockingly raising her hand as though she were in class, but without waiting for permission from the teacher to speak. “I mean, I know why [i]I’m[/i] here, because there was money involved…” Sam scratched the stubble along her shaven scalp. At least I’m pretty sure there was some kind of monetary compensation, because frankly, I need to eat.” The girl was taller than an average human female, except, she wasn’t human at all, even though most of the forms she generally took were human-like, whether man or woman, young or even old. She’d never quite understood the significance of it all, her shifting ability, and what purpose it really held for her race of Changelings. But, over the years it stopped mattering so much, and she’d found herself living multiple lives, switching through identities until one would suit her taste. This one, of course, had been her current form, a tall female with a shaved head, clothing indicative of a gothic-punk scene, and an attitude to fit her already angst-driven personality. She thrived off the tension of life. She fed off the friction. “Oh, and I don’t know about the rest of you deadbeats, but I gotta be somewhere in like a couple of hours so can we hurry this up?” Figuring she’d said enough, Sam slid the lollipop back into her mouth, and giving the mayor a quite wink.