Ursa gave Juniper a deadpan expression, her thoughts still on her fight with Yondi. She took in a breath pinching the bridge of her nose, "[color=00746b]Look, kid. I get it. Your whole world was destroyed. You have no one else but we aren't bloody babysitters. You don't even know who we are or what we do. I don't know you and to be brutally honest I don't trust you.[/color]" She turned to Takashi with an annoyed expression, and spoke up loudly, "[color=00746b]Are they in pursuit?[/color]" Takashi shook his head, his expression slightly ashamed, "[color=39b54a]We aren't seeing anything so far, but if they are just exiting the planet now it won't take them long to find us.[/color]" Ursa swore, looking through the table top, "[color=00746b]A few clicks off to the left of us there is a black hole, get close enough that the blackness cloaks us but not close enough to send us into another dimension.[/color]" She turned to see Juniper looking at her, "[color=00746b]No. It's not going to happen. We will give you a ride to the next planet and then you are off. Last I am going to say about it. Mac. I'm going to medical for some stitches, call me to the brig if we see anyone following us.[/color]" She headed towards the kitchen, grabbing a bottle of Caribbean Rum and headed to the small medical room. The ship had no doctor, but a few machines that were suited to perform some extensive surgical tasks. She walked over to a small white machine with two 'pincher' like arms that was used for doing a proficient stitching job. She booted up the machine and pulled the cork of the rum. They had no painkillers other than alcohol on the ship so she got to guzzling. She pulled off her jacket and tossed it over on a side table blood dripping down her arm like a red river. The deep red line on the outside of her arm exposed a pinky dark red wound. She hated the sight of it, moving to wash her arm in the sink before she headed back over to the machine and let it go to work. She grits her teeth taking another chug of wine as she fought through the pain. She was mad. No, in fact, she was pissed. It wasn't that the fight happened, it was that she let it happen. Ursa could usually defuse any issue or eliminate it before guns were necessary. She hated violence, it was a waste of time and money and almost always led to bad blood between people. When the machine was done she got up and turned it off, bandaging up the work before she headed towards her room to grab a book and a new shirt. After a while, she made her way back to the cockpit and noticed Mac and Juniper by the tabletop. Noting her presence Mac turned, "[color=00746b]Feeling better?[/color]" Ursa grunted as a response. Mac laughed before motioning her over, "[color=fff200]Juniper showed us a quicker way to get to the planet. We should get there a few hours earlier than if we went our original route if we go her way.[/color]" Ursa looked it over with a bored expression. Well, what do you know? The kid did know something, "[color=00746b]Sure. Sooner we get there the better.[/color]" She eyed Juniper and gave her a smirk, "[color=00746b]Thanks.[/color]" Ursa then turned moving to her spot without giving the crew a second glance and dove into her book, wanting to be alone for awhile. --------------------Planet Ephus---------------------- Ursa climbed out of the drain pipe and came up to the cobbled surface moving slowly out of the way for Juniper and Dill to follow her up before closing it. Ursa turned to look out into the street, her expression reserved, "[color=00746b]Follow me at 10-minute intervals and try not to bring attention to yourselves, got it. When we arrive at the location Dill head into the shoe store and buy a pair of Croc's, whilst Juniper you get in line for the bus. If you see any cops come into the store and let me know. Dill wire to the crew to get ready when we exit.[/color]" She turned to Juniper, "[color=00746b]Don't make me regret allowing you to come. After this, we are dropping you off at our next stop.[/color]" She shoved on her Treo's Pizza hat then walked out moving through the crowd slowly, making her way through the streets while strategically remaining quiet as she passed a few soldiers. She kept up her pace until she headed towards an antique bookstore. She nodded to the owner, moving to the back corner where she began to look through a couple of the stacks her yellow eyes reading through the titles before she spoke softly, breaking the silence of the store "[color=00746b]Delays seem to happen quite often in my line of work. It's a good thing we aren't running on a clock.[/color]" She pulled one down, feeling a presence behind her. Her voice paused, going deadpan, "[color=00746b]Which one would you suggest, Draykon?[/color]"