[quote=@KoL] I think it comes to a simple decision. Do you really want to go out of your way to confront some random internet dude and earn nothing from that, or do you prefer to vent off a bit to people that may or may not want to listen to you but are all gathered in a literal "shout your grievances here" room and then follow your routine as normal? It takes some effort to learn, but burning bridges (or taking the chance for that to happen) hardly is the best way to tackle disagreements. [/quote] Because obviously nobody knew what this was about and it was just venting by someone who wasn’t in this RP to begin with and thus had nothing to do witj it? Oh. Thanks for enlightening me. 🤔 You say you’d earn nothing but if people had communicated something could’ve been earned - a better outcome than the one we’ve seen in this case, personal betterment, etc. I take it you’re of the opinion that (butt)hurt feelings are a better outcome since you prefer petty shade that is too obviously aimed at a specific RP and specific group of GM’s over a good conversation to talk things out - solely because petty shade = better output than confrontation. Nice. [@Inkarnate] yeah man worked so well that approach lmao xD. The fact that it caused people not involved in the OOC and IC of that RP to not only take note but get involved by posting shit in this thread definitely speaks in a) your favour and b) magic “ORGANIC” confrontation. By that definition anything can be a confrontation because not doing anything is “dealing with” too. You know better than that. Again, crooked argument. Beyond that you seem to be operating under the assumption I was talking about you when I was speaking (quite clearly imho) about [@Raddum]s most recent posts in the bitch thread. If that is so then I’m sorry but I really don’t even know what you did. But hey, if the shoe fits dude. You’re talking utter nonsense in terms of talking about confrontation if you are going to have the “definition of the word” as your leading argument. Nothing beyond that then makes sense anymore. Either way, take a look at what you’ve caused and “ORGANICALLY” confront the other side of the party and have a good chat with them. I’m sure you’ll continue to believe that this was definitely a positive move (you ARE taking responsibility for causing this “organic” confrontation, I can infer from your post) dude. Good job lmao.