[b]Julia[/b] Julia sighed when the worm finally died. She listened to everyone then looked up as the raven flew away. She slowly grabbed the letter and shook her head softly. None of this was good news, except for the spirit fox being helpful. She smiled and placed the letter away. It was time to move on anyway. Julia turned to everyone and waved her hand. "Let's not dwell on those things. We can deal with them as we get to them. For now we need to hurry to Jeul. If we see Sekhemi, we'll deal with him. Chief Yoal will be keeping an eye on the Tree of Life and the Forest of Life, so he won't be able to get very far." She walked quickly, leading everyone to the desert wasteland village. It didn't take them long to travel the rest of the way. Once there Julia slowly entered and looked around. She gave a smile as a woman came up to her. [img]https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/borderlands/images/5/55/Borderlands-2-dlc-003-970x0.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20130827105122[/img] "Ah, Judas. I was hoping to see you. How are you? Is Kat alright? We're on our way to see her." The woman nodded and lead Julia through as she spoke. "Yes, she's safe. She's already expecting you in Salazo City, but it won't be easy getting there. There are a lot of people searching for you. Once you go out of this village things are going to get really dangerous." Julia nodded once more, she already knew this and had informed everyone else. She stopped by the village exit before looking around once more. There was nothing she needed here and they could pass right through. "I know Judas. If anyone comes through here, ask for their name. If it isn't Rogue, then they aren't with us. Deal with them however you like but try to make sure they don't follow us." Judas nodded and with that Julia walked on and out of the small village. She looked on to see the huge desert that was laid before them and then turned around to speak. [img]https://wallpapers.wallhaven.cc/wallpapers/full/wallhaven-257883.jpg[/img] "Next stop, Salazo, the City of Magic. From here on out it's going to get dangerous. Always be on guard and be careful. Anything could happen." She turned and was about to walk forward when a skeleton with a cracked skull slowly came up from the sand. He gave a soft laugh as he looked to everyone before speaking. "Hey there buds, 'fraid I'm gonna have to stop ya here. My master wants to speak to you. It'd be a real shame if ya decided not to come. I'm 'fraid you'd have a real bad time. Ya don't want that now, do ya?" He gave another laugh as he kept his hands in his pockets. Julia slowly turned to everyone then looked back to the skeleton. She was starting to get the feeling that this guy wasn't to be trusted. [b]Kuro and Yang[/b] The two watched as the worm died, and followed Julia through the village. She was right, they would deal with the raven when they eventually came to it, but for now it wasn't important. It was straight in and straight out of the village, no problems there. It was once they got out of the village that they had problems. The two listened to Julia and nodded. When the skeleton rose from the sand Yang got in attack position while Kuro watched warily with Yoruichi. It was Yoruichi who spoke up first. "Who exactly is your master, and what do they want?" Then Kuro stepped up and spoke to him. "Why didn't you're master come personally? We have an important mission and we can't waste time." He looked to Yoruichi who still watched cautiously before looking back to the Skeleton before Yang called out. "We just killed an Apocalypse Worm, we'll happily take care of you too if you don't move out of the way. We're going nowhere with you." She stepped forward, ready at any moment but Sans simply laughed and shook his head slowly. [b]The Spirit Fox[/b] The spirit fox followed the group and when the skeleton came, the fox landed on the floor gently. It knew of this skeleton, and it knew who the master was. "Be careful of this skeleton, he's far stronger than you might think and his master is even more dangerous, but you are all in more danger than you realise. Prepare yourselves for a tough fight. " It knew what was coming, and there was only so much a spirit could do.