[@EchoesofOld][@Mataus][@Ciaran][@Tristwich][@SpawnMeme][@Dark Light][@Liaison] [Center][color=fff200]Fionn Harken[/color]-Aboveground[/center] His breath was starting to come in ragged gasps now. The mage's magical reserves getting far too close to empty for his liking. It was all he could do to grunt in acknowledgement as Traveler rushed past him to rescue on of the two people remaining in the undead covered plains before them. Plains that were starting to overflow with the risen dead. Those on the outskirts of the horde being pushed into the surrounding wastelands to make room for the animated corpses still pulling themselves from the ground. [color=fff200]"Dwarf!"[/color] He shouted over the cries of battle. [color=fff200]"We have thirty seconds before I have to fall back and collapse the cairn over the staircase. You need to go get the other guy out there before that happens."[/color] It wasn't exactly the politest way to do things but he had neither the time nor the energy to care. As it was it took all he had just to keep enough light flying to clear the undead around them. Introductions and polite discourse could wait until they all had a moment to breath. [Center]Underground[/center] [@CoyoteLovely] Nakreyya's keen eye did in fact notice a few traps on the door. Anti-tampering mechanisms that would lock down the mechanisms or slag them closed if they detected anybody messing with the lock. They didn't look perfect however. The highborn elf could already notice a few gaps that a clever mechanic might be able to work some magic. [@Hekazu][@Kasai Uchiha][@Normie] Perhaps smashing the masterful carvings of an absurdly arrogant race of dwarves in one of their hidden and magically sealed back entrances was not such a good idea. Green light spilled from the cracked section of the wall, helpfully aiding Nakreyya's own light in illuminating the chamber. The sickly glow falling upon three of the alcoves, revealing what Ivan had previously discovered in his search of the room. Three black and rusting suits of armor stood motionless in the carved out sections of rock. Their plate seemed to absorb the green glow like black holes. Almost visibly sucking in the necrotic energy as most of the people in room looked elsewhere. There was no sound to the strangely beautiful sight, there was no need for it. Sparks grew in the depths of abyss-like helms. Three sets of emerald eyes now scanning the chamber before them