[hr][hr] [center][h1][color=8dc73f]Amelia Payne[/color][/h1] [img]http://orig07.deviantart.net/700d/f/2016/229/f/a/strawberry_blonde_long_hair_by_rivaan-dae94m5.jpg [/img] [i]Location: Woods Near Newnan Chapel United Methodist Church Skills: Athletics, Stealth[/I][/center] [hr][hr] [color=8dc73f]“I'm hearing the voices now... voices... voices... run.”[/color] Amelia was mumbling under her breath as the new woman reached them, while the walkers were being walkers in the surroundings, giving them good attention as possible meals. Ray was making some noise, but Amelia didn't even consider not helping him. If he lived, she was helping him to move forward.”[color=8dc73f] The walkers will eventually get freed... got to go faster.”[/color] [color=8dc73f]“No... not fine.”[/color] Amelia replied with a confused half afraid face, noting the appearance of the new woman. Realizing that she was not hearing things after all[color=8dc73f].” Hi... help got to move before the walkers unfreeze completely...”[/color] She stated, her face somewhat strained, after supporting Ray for a good while now. [color=8dc73f]“We get through the walkers now while they are scattered... then talk.”[/color] She added, nodding at the scattered for the moment groups of walkers.[color=8dc73f]” North's bad.. it leads closer to Newnan. We need to move fast before they clump up and surround us completely... move and talk later...”[/color] Amelia said, just wanting to get away and meet Riley again. Thus she started moving again, not really making any substantial noise in her movement to alert the walkers as they moved and managing to bring her strength to provide Ray with good support too!