[color=bc8dbf]"No fun, Katherine."[/color] Livia smirked. [color=bc8dbf]"What's the matter? You work with the dead so don't be such a baby."[/color] The sister chided playfully before heading for the door. [color=bc8dbf]"Come then, It will be a bit of a walk. I'd rather not involve the guards lest they do something exceedingly foolish."[/color] Livia ushered Himeko and Charlotte out the door, only stopped momentarily by Marise as she gave Charlotte and Himeko a family seal so all they'd have to do is show it and they'd be able to freely move about the city. The evening sun hung high in the air, starting its slow descent across the sky. They left the city without incident, Charlotte for the most part silently observing the rest of the citizens and people. It was interesting, seeing so many different people outside of Astril. Let alone something like a...tengu or by the stars, magic! How sheltered Astril was. For all its wonderful technological and scientific marvels, it was so ignorant of things. But that was expected, really. It was run by a bunch of close-minded fools. Thankfully the forest in question was not too far from the city. Across the river to the west, and past a few farms. The forest itself had an eerie peace to it. Something that could be felt just from standing on its edge. Large, thick trees loomed over head and the single path that lead into it was obviously aged and was in disrepair. Charlotte stood at the end of the path, frowning lightly, a small shiver running up her spine. Eugh, this had bad times written all over it. Livia didn't wait for input and simply started walking, Charlotte standing for a few seconds before realizing she was being left behind and quickly catching up. [color=8882be]"So...these spirits of yours..."[/color] Charlotte questioned uncertainly as they walked. [color=8882be]"...Aren't the kind to, I dunno, possess people and kill people?"[/color] [color=bc8dbf]"Not usually."[/color] [color=8882be]"Urf,"[/color] Not usually? Not usually? Well, she did say they only behaved that way if influenced by outside sources but she was getting a bad feeling in the pit of her stomach. She nervously ran a hand across the inside of her cloak, feeling each of the glass vials inside. Well, she'd be fine. She'd been chased by giant snow wolves, ice wyrms, and giant snow hawks in Astirl whilst gathering ingredients before. She could handle a few ghosts. Probably. If Himeko looked over to Charlotte she'd see the young alchemist questioning her decision making skills and regretting agreeing to come along. [color=bc8dbf]"Hurry up."[/color] Livia replied dismissively. [color=bc8dbf]"The graveyard is further in. Stay close and you won't get lost."[/color]