[hr][hr][center][h1][color=cyan]Kosara Koleva[/color][/h1][img]http://68.media.tumblr.com/4e7b4e9acf03046167ba5c00d1ebba70/tumblr_inline_mpu5ueOUWB1qz4rgp.gif[/img][hr][color=cyan][b]Location[/b][/color]: Abe's car[/center][hr][hr] [color=cyan]“Then we'd do good to restock tomorrow and prepare before the full moon.” [/color]Kosara agreed with a nod, as her gramps was driving back to their home. It was a mildly productive day and while they didn't make great advance in the problem of missing Riley and the mayor's killer, they had nearly confirmed demonic presence. Sulfur didn't just appear out of nowhere after all. [color=cyan]“Rather than thinking she's useful... more like checking if she's playing our team in advance.” [/color]The huntress explained with a shrug.[color=cyan]” Federal agents are sometimes aware of the supernatural from past cases, maybe she knows something. Might be good to just check if that's so. Depending on the case though having the FBI agent help us out by offering access to data might be decent too. Just proposing possible paths of action. Actually scratch that, I will go meet the FBI officer tomorrow. In pretext of just wanting to help and stuff. Will ask her a few lil pointing questions to check if she's aware and then we can decide.”[/color] [color=cyan]"That aside... what are we going to make for dinner anyways?"[/color] She asked Abe.[color=cyan]" Guess we can get pizza if nothing else on the table."[/color]