[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/6n9qJ0H.gif[/img][/center] [hr] [hr] Quick update: the ooc is coming along and should be finished on time. The Discord is still under construction, but everybody who has expressed interest so far will be getting an invite link via DM in the next few minutes. Currently all chat will be confined to a single, temporary, channel until others are ready for use please refrain from spam for the sake of tidiness. Upon entering the server you will see several categories with numerous channels each of which should give you an idea of some interesting mechanics planned for the game. With the Discord we should be able to keep you more in the loop from tomorrow, and as for concerns on space, I think it has been determined that we will attempt as large a group as we can. At the moment I imagine we should still be able to handle everyone, pending CS reviews. Keep the interest coming! EDIT: Invites sent. [hr] [sub][code]Currently Plugged In: 13 -LadyinInk -GreenGrenade -Symphoni -Mag Lev -Yuria -Mara -SunsetWanderer -Kidd -DruSM157 -GreenGoat -RyuShura -Briza -SmileyJaws[/code][/sub]