[hider=Jasper Hawks]Name: Jasper Hawks Super Name: Silver Shadow Appearance: [url=https://i.imgur.com/THOoznM.jpg]Jasper normally[/url] walks around in comfortable clothes, showing a few of his tattoos. He wears round glasses and behind them one can see his eyes surrounded by dark circles from the few hours of sleep he has each night. He hair his silver-ish white since birth. [url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/50/99/eb/5099eb3c53b3af4e8a922ab03011ec03.jpg]While on a mission Jasper [/url] still keeps too a comfortable black uniform. Powers/Skills: [list][*] Intangibility - Jasper can phase his himself or anything that he touches. While phased Jasper can "fly" through solid substances as long as he can hold his breath. [*] Proficiency with daggers - By self learning Jasper has become proficient in the use of daggers both in melee and range. [*] Stealth - In the past Jasper has shown great skills of infiltration and stealth. [/list] Equipment: Four [url=https://static.wixstatic.com/media/bc9ec4_2923f98311434875bf411e86825a610c~mv2.jpg/v1/fill/w_655,h_375,al_c,q_80,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01/bc9ec4_2923f98311434875bf411e86825a610c~mv2.webp]daggers[/url]. While in civilian clothes he only carries one around. Weaknesses: [list][*] Can't swim - Never needing it in his life for always using his powers to go around it, Jasper can not swim. [*] Upcoming threat - Although he does not know it yet, the future has reserved for Jasper a material that he can not phase. [/list] Origin Story: His power has been passed down the generations from his grand father, to his mother and now to him. Even though he is the first one to really make use of it.[/hider]