[@ineffably][@Camey][@Lyla] The woman who introduced herself as Ayla, though insisted on being called Nez, struck Kaïte as a bit strange. While he was willing to excuse her behavior as humans simply acting strange and being experts at hiding their intentions, the inconsistencies perplexed the homunculus. Her opening statement hinted to how she was always here, though to Kaïte, she claimed to have only been here once or twice. Kaïte knew no reason why Nez would lie to him, though he supposed humans didn't need any to obfuscate truths. They ran the world and their lies were inconsequential to the grand shadow they pulled over the land. Truly despicable, treating him like an imperceptive rube, though Kaïte couldn't fault Nez for their nature. She seemed nice enough, regardless. It just seemed like something insignificant, which only made Kaïte more curious about the establishment. Nez's strangeness was countered by her associate's bubbly enthusiasm. It was certainly a change from what he knew, and had yet to cease from catching Kaïte off guard. Though he was unsure how he felt about her energy, she was certainly becoming a delight to be in proximity of. The homogenized perspective made Kaïte feel strange, briefly wondering if [i]he[/i] was the strange one in all of this...which was very likely. [color=bc8dbf]"Heh, iz certainly an accident. I do not suppose zeis vahz vehr I hoped to end up"[/color] Kaïte admitted with a chuckle tactfully planted to smoothly offer the impression of humor to his statement. His mind drifted, wondering where else he would rather be, or even what other places exist that would be more favorable than- Kaïte's ears stood up straight, almost touching as he covered his mouth and nose with his hands upon the return of the waitress who set the water, chocolate and stew before him. In his shock and amazement by the steaming confection, his disbelief left him unsure what to do with it. It was a farcry from the gray protein and vitamin gruel served in the Triganavia labs, a testament to what food could be, and though it was not exactly like the picture on the menu, Kaïte was in no condition to object, worried that it would simply vanish if he blinked. Eyes wide, Kaïte looked up to Ardella, managing to offer a [color=bc8dbf]"Iz eit?"[/color] as if assuming there was some sort of mistake. Back to the meal, he unfolded the napkin to retrieve the spoon and set to curiously stirring the contents of the bowl with mild apprehension.