Bugcatcher bit the corner of his lower lip, worrying abit at the flesh. Looking back and forth, then stabbed his finger out at a screen, and brought the feed up onto the screen right above him, zoomed the camera and reached out to pulls Kingmaker over, "Got him! The Boss is right. Last Carraige, about 5 feet 9 inches tall. Purple colored hoodie, with a crescent moon on the front. He's got a grey colored mini laptop bag on his right shoulder. SWAT boots, Dark haired. He's walking towards the steps leading to Bishops. Guys he should be walking towards you. He's near the inner station wall, trying to stay out of the main flow. Watch yourselves." He kept the camera's going. And began to close off the inter platform passage ways. So their target couldn't slip past their people. Each inter platform shutter came down ahead of the man so it didn't look like they were open in the first place, "Come on guys. We need to nab this guy." He shut the last shutter closing it right beside Cavalier with a click. "No way he's getting out unless he turns around and goes against the flow." His eyes flicked over, "Your 12 o clock along the wall. Lancaster, Cavalier can you see him?" he could now see both the team and the target on the same screen. And he got to see the moment the target realized what was in front of him.