[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/KDNoPCb.jpg[/img][/center] Maoin gave Sol a skeptical look as she returned to the kitchen, setting the stove to 'setting three' herself. She liked the spider? And had NAMED it? The kitten resisted the urge to roll her eyes - Lady Solana was only twelve though, and she didn't have to be lying to believe in strange circumstances. [color=darkslateblue]"Of course, Lady Sol. I apologize for trying to get rid of the spider?"[/color] It was impossible for the servant to hide all of her skepticism, of course. The cat glanced towards the spider - sometime when the younger noble wasn't around, she'd take it back outside. But for now, it wasn't worth arguing about - and her lady intended on falling back asleep. Maoin headed over to the bed, sitting down next to Lady Sorcha and sitting her up (with a bit of effort) and rubbing her shoulders in an attempt to get her up in a relaxing manner. [color=darkslateblue]"Mistress, I don't want you napping so long you can't fall asleep tonight. And besides, you need to eat a bit. You must be hungry, Lady Sorcha."[/color] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/HuFvrKV.jpg[/img][/center] Miss Fia? The familiar wasn't used to that, but she didn't mind. Livia was followed into the familiar by the servant, who appreciated the headpats despite giving a playful pout at them. She listened to the pair's conversation, not having much input herself. She was glad she wouldn't be at risk of melting Mugi though she was curious what Livia had planned for her. [center][h3][color=wheat]Otille Kohler[/color][/h3][/center] Otille smiled at her familiar, setting herself down and reaching up to rub Cocoa on the head a bit more. [color=wheat]"It's fine, I can walk on my own. Besides, you've already worked very hard today and I don't want to strain you, alright? Even though I know you don't think you are tired."[/color] The farmgirl spoke at least partially out of honest concern for the cow, who had already spent significant part of the day hauling a cart - she was a dairy cow after all, and wasn't really intended for that sort of labor. [color=wheat]"Now come along."[/color] Otille smiled at Cocoa, motioning for her to follow. [color=wheat]"I'll think of somewhere to eat afterwards too - I assume you wouldn't want to eat more hay, now?"[/color]