(Sorry, there's so much stuff. I need to cut it down a bit. Doing my best to respond to all of that, without making it too cluttered.) [quote=@POOHEAD189] By 'biased' links, I meant about all of them were Trump or Conservative reported sites. I'd like some data that has no bias. [/quote] That doesn't change my response that calling them bias, doesn't change anything that sources you provided had the same problem. Because their isn't any such thing as unbiased opinion. You cannot have an opinion, without using your own frame of mind. The important difference is transparency, you see those sites as less biased and more sensible, specifically because they match your own point of view. (Whether you realize that or not.) I'll make it as clear as possible. I do not care what site or video you use. It -will- have bias. What needs to be discovered, if it actually is factual or not. [quote=@POOHEAD189] And while you might not think Trump or Conservatives are guilty of any Russian conspiracy, I would think you would agree that they are very biased on their own agendas and lie often. Not that liberals are much better. [/quote] Well for starters, it's either one or the other. Because Trump isn't a conservative in anyway. I hardly believe he is even right leaning on the political spectrum. But disregard liberals, because I think leftist is a clearer term. They've clearly already lied many, many times regarding this conspiracy, in a desperate attempt to double down even after many figures were caught on camera admitting to lacking any substantial/real evidence. So the burden of proof absolutely lies with the ones that actually have an ongoing, nonstop rating machine, agenda. (Regardless of my feelings that both sides both use similar tactics in politics, often because they unfortunately work. But we aren't talking about corrupt politics, unless we want to get into the "Why would you want to give the corrupt government more money and power, since you'd have to think money and power corrupts?") [quote=@POOHEAD189] Bill Nye hasn't ever changed his science (from what I can tell). [/quote] This is easily and provably false. (Though the edited episode of gender chromosomes is defended as a "money" issue. Which sure, let's go with that. Still doesn't change the fact that this was an opinion that changed.) There's articles about him changing his mind about philosophy and science being connected, and about GMO's in food. [hider=In link] "Nye has actually angered many scientists. Over the years, including in a chapter in his 2014 book “Undeniable,” Nye has suggested that there’s something fundamentally problematic with foods containing GMO crops. He has argued that GMOs may carry environmental risks that we can never rule out with certainty. Now, Nye seems to have changed his mind. Backstage after an appearance on Bill Maher’s “Real Time,” Nye said an upcoming revision to his book would contain a rewritten chapter on GMOs. " [/hider] https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/energy-environment/wp/2015/03/03/proof-hes-the-science-guy-bill-nye-is-changing-his-mind-about-gmos/?utm_term=.f54aed65e812 But assuming we are talking about solely his views on climate change, I can bet his opinions have changed with the times, after Al Gore failed his predictions with the global warming movie. Because they both worked together to make a video at one point. But his opinions are extreme and as someone who isn't a real scientist should stop lying and misleading his viewerbase. https://mystudentvoices.com/we-need-to-talk-about-bill-nye-56ac91870547 https://wattsupwiththat.com/climate-fail-files/gore-and-bill-nye-fail-at-doing-a-simple-co2-experiment/ (Seriously, go through all the information on this link above and tell me that looks like something that wasn't constructive at tearing something apart.) https://www.dailywire.com/news/20769/bad-science-guy-bill-nye-tries-link-global-warming-hank-berrien But Global warming/climate change has been a moving goal post for years now. There is no answer for "What exactly do we need to do, for how long, and will that fix everything?" http://www.instituteforenergyresearch.org/analysis/climate-change-crowd-moves-goalposts/ [quote=@POOHEAD189] Look, Marc Morano has a bachelor's degree in political science, with no degree in any scientific field. [url=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marc_Morano]His wiki page[/url]. And not only did you post a video of him arguing against an actual scientists... [/quote] ...Are you being fully sincere right now? I can honestly no longer tell. Because this point is just...So, so wrong. It's not only an appeal to authority fallacy. Bill Nye ISN'T a climate scientist. He got a degree in mechanical engineering. (and the other guy is a news anchor.) [quote=@POOHEAD189] I haven't found any climate change denier, scientist or no (and most are not) that aren't conservatives, while I have found plenty of climate change scientists on every spectrum of the political sphere. [/quote] The personal story anecdote aside, this 97% percent agree thing isn't anywhere near accurate. It's also disingenuous. Yes earth's climate is changing, naturally like it has since it's creation. We had a 15 year pause that goes unexplained by these theories. And there's tons of scientists that disagree, because science isn't done by consensus. This idea that everyone agrees except for political ignorance. Isn't true at all. http://www.pewinternet.org/2016/10/04/public-views-on-climate-change-and-climate-scientists/ http://ossfoundation.us/projects/environment/global-warming/myths/31000-scientists-say-no-convincing-evidence https://www.nas.org/articles/Estimated_40_Percent_of_Scientists_Doubt_Manmade_Global_Warming [quote=@POOHEAD189] To be more specific in your last question however, the CO2 emissions are speeding up the process in a dangerous rate. It is not the only factor, no. But it's the unnatural swiftness of the climate rising. This is why much of the coral reefs are dying the past few years. This is why sea levels are rising much quicker than most have anticipated. How, due to the sudden change in humidity, a normally harmless bacteria has now killed off two thirds of the world's Saiga. Literally 200,000 animals dropped dead over the course of a few days back in 2015, as the world grows hotter. [/quote] Like I said before, literally everything has been blamed on climate change. But even if those things are in fact happening, it may very well be for different and much more complex reasons. I'm not "denying" climate doesn't change, that the earth is warming or even that humans pollute and do things that may effect nature. My gripe is that's it's somehow all our fault (despite the fact, stuff like Cow farting, actually raises CO2 emissions more than Cars.) and it can easily be fixed. Just by handing power/money to a big government. When stuff like the paris climate accord and other things were admitted to basically do nothing to change the temperature, but still wanted us to foot a huge, costly bill and do it anyway. http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2016/07/18/cows-worse-cars-climate-change-environmentalists-admit/ (The source it talks about.) https://www.ecowatch.com/which-is-worse-for-the-planet-beef-or-cars-1919932136.html Stuff on sea levels: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/comment/columnists/christopherbooker/5067351/Rise-of-sea-levels-is-the-greatest-lie-ever-told.html http://www.drroyspencer.com/2017/07/study-sea-level-rise-revised-downward/ https://www.forbes.com/sites/trevornace/2017/08/15/florida-sea-level-rising-faster-average-not-climate-change/#546601e08957 [quote=@POOHEAD189] [url=http://www.ecn.ac.uk/what-we-do/education/tutorials-weather-climate/climate/factors-affecting-climate]Here[/url] is a non american link, to show all of the factors that affect climate change. Humans are on there, as well as currents, locations of mountains, etc. [/quote] [hider=Also, the last link gave me a dud.] [img]https://i.imgur.com/cGuyGVw.png [/img] [/hider] [i]Now assuming the response is, "you gave me more biased links." I feel like I can't do anything more, if the argument continues using circular logic.[/i]