[center][h1][color=cyan]Anastasia "Anna Nine Fingers" Ridgeway[/color][/h1] [img]http://digitalspyuk.cdnds.net/16/34/480x192/gallery-1471864637-tumblr-inline-mkwvq1vshp1qz4rgp.gif[/img] [color=cyan][i]Location: Tortuga.[/I][/color][/center] [hr][hr] Anastasia looked towards Millicent it looked like she was talking to herself, someone she couldn't see asking if it was possible to bring back their bodies. Which she really and truly hoped that it was possible to bring back, she listened to Sirena's comment looking over towards her shipmate. She really hoped that it was possible if it could choose it could be her, and she would bring back everyone who died on the island back to life. She looked towards Aravis she was still glad that her new friend was still alive, she glared at Ed and rolled her eyes when she noticed him winking at Sirena. She listened though to Aravis she was curious what the story about the flask that she happened to know, and was curious about it now as well. [color=cyan]"What story aboyt de flask?"[/color] Anastasia asked looking at her friend.