[@Default] [color=82ca9d]“You are Brill Cenvax correct? From what I have been told you are the only incinerator trooper on this entire planet. I want to thank you for the bravery you have shown, for you have no doubt been an important target for the terrorists.”[/color] Kal walked around the desk and patted Ghosts shoulder. [color=82ca9d]“I also wish to thank you for protecting this man and putting your lives on the line for the sake of the mission. As soon as this planet is secure you can all expect promotions and bonuses.”[/color] Kal turned back around and walked back to look out the window. From inside the office, one could see the Echidna hovering above the fortress much like a protective mother bear guarding its young. [color=82ca9d]“If it doesn’t keep you away from your duties, I was wondering if you could tell me what this war is like on the ground. Reports are good and all, but information is often misinterpreted or forgotten. The fear you feel on the battlefield often cements what happens to you in your mind.”[/color] Kal sat down at his desk and gestured towards the chairs on the other side. [color=82ca9d]“Relax. Eat something.”[/color] As soon as he said that some staff immediately came in through the front door carrying trays of food. They placed them in front of the chairs and rushed off. [color=82ca9d]“Now...tell me your stories.”[/color]