[@SleepingSilence] I do believe this will be circular, because you posted something from Breitbart. First off, science is not opinion. It is tested. Yes, science evolves. But it is based on understanding, trial and error, and controlled experiments. You have to admit that there is something to this climate change thing, when literally the entire fucking world entered the Paris Agreement except Trump. I don't even say 'the U.S.' because many people here are still disagreeing with him. But you need to admit that beyond any opinion or political affiliation, if the entire planet except a certain political party agreed that CO2 emissions are dangerous, there needs to be something to that. Let's just talk science for a moment. In 2016, September I believe, we reached a CO2 level of 400 parts per million. Usually that is supposed to be the high in the summer. Usually it lowers in autumn to about 380 or 390 PPM (not to mention it was 180 PPM in the Industrial revolution) because the cooling climate with the trees and plants not having wilted yet, absorbs a lot of the carbon dioxide in the air. In 2016 September, our CO2 did not lower below 400 PPM, which was a milestone that pretty much the entire scientific community thought was concerning, other than conservative platforms. The last time there was this much carbon in the air, the oceans were 80 feet higher than they are now. Couple that with our deforestation, and it is literally 2+2=4. P.S. I also was not defending Bill Nye, just like how I am not [i]for[/i] Hillary even though I am against Trump. However it would be good to note that while he was a mechanical engineer first and an avid inventor, he did earn a few honorary degrees and was vice president of the planetary society with multiple patents and support from various united states science committees. I would trust him over a bachelor's political science 'website owner' any day.