[@Holy Grail][@endwaar] [h3]PHILIA VON EINZBERN[/h3][B]Interior, Stephansplatz, Vienna[/b] The likelihood of any information obtained from either the Church records or Sister Ortensia being either inaccurate or incomplete was rather high, but as Philia lacked many leads that could be capitalised upon, she deemed that even tenuous intelligence could be of limited use, as long as she were to take into consideration the risks involved in doing so. Although the Church mediators claimed to be neutral in its dealings with participants of the Heaven's Feel ritual, she was aware from both her own experiences and accumulated Einzbern knowledge that the Romans would place their own ambitions first, and if assisting one faction was in their interest, they would be quick to discard any pretense of neutrality. She was aware that magi were little more than heretics to the Church, and the very activation of the ritual was something that they only tolerated it to an extent due to the presence of the Greater Grail. The Church as a greater entity sought to prevent the misuse of a powerful magical artefact like the Holy Grail by magi, and while she could not certainly assign such a motive to the Sister in front of her, it was something to remain aware of when taking action over the course of the ritual's duration. With only limited resources in her possession, Philia determined that establishing a working relationship with the Church would be of greater benefit to her and Archer's activities. It would at least reduce the chances of conflict breaking out between them. "What issues?" she asked simply, seeking elaboration from the member of the cloth. While she did not plan on acting out as enforcers of the Church's will, being aware of any situations that the Church sought to resolve was important. A better understanding of the ritual's environment would contribute to their success, and exchanging favours could give her more leads to the Lesser Grail candidate. It was also possible that the Church's goals could coincide with theirs.