As the leg cam towards her body, Annabelle stayed in her stance, keeping her legs braced for the eventual impact. When it was coming towards her midsection, she brought down her blade so that his foot connected with the flat of her blade. The force of the movement caused her to be pushed back, but she did not wish for him to have easy access to his weapon. Using her left hand to push against the other side of the blade, she would push back against her opponent. "Good move, now watch this!" Once more her body exploded in golden psionic energy, a Mantle of Awakening activating a Memory of Courage. Taking a step forward she would do a lower right to left slash against Odum's legs, going for his unarmored knees. With her enhanced speed and strength, there was a good chance a knee was going to get sliced open, if not completely severed by the force. A warrior like Odum required his legs, so she would do all she could to cripple those legs.