As suddenly as the horde had appeared, Magus felt it vanish, though what exactly he had felt that let him know this, he wasn't sure. Shortly after this, more people appeared, but again Magus couldn't quite explain how he knew this when, as far as he could tell, they had simply materialized out of thin air, and of course he couldn't see that. One of the new arrivals spoke, calling himself Chrysopoeic and promising to overthrow the High and bring about a new order with his Alkahest, whatever that was. Magus had no idea what this guy was talking about or how he planned to do it, but he certainly seemed arrogant and deluded enough to try it, and that attitude was enough to make Magus immediately dislike him. Then another voice, Dragon's if Magus wasn't mistaken, responded, and by the way he was talking, Magus thought sure he was merely stalling, though for what he didn't know; this Chrysopoeic and his companions were clearly ridiculously powerful, and so it seemed smarter to clear out than to try another attack. And then suddenly, Magus was somewhere else. He heard Spectrum shout at Alex and someone named Charlotte, and he figured Alex, Traveler as she was more commonly known, had opened a door and dropped them all somewhere away from the fight that had just occurred, but Magus had no idea where. He hated being blind. He looked around sightlessly, wishing he could see who was around and where they all were. He remembered how he had felt subtle changes in the air during the fight, how he had been able to almost see without really seeing by the way the elements shifted as they interacted with each other, with other things, and he wondered if he could somehow use that. He closed his eyes, not that this really did anything since he couldn't see either way, and focused on feeling the air, the ground, water, fire, anything around him. And then he felt it. Tendrils of air seemed to be extending out from him, searching, feeling, detecting everything around him and feeding this sensory input to the visual part of his brain, and he was able to mentally reconstruct his surroundings, though without color and rather crude. Perhaps with practice he would be able to do this better. For now, though, he needed to rest from everything that just happened. He probed until he found a couch, then walked over to it and collapsed.