[center][color=yellow][h3]Lunalel Lightsword[/h3][/color][/center] [color=yellow]"You want pork then. It's the meat of pigs and the closest thing you'll probably get to wild boar here."[/color] The Knightess said, moving up to the counter and ordering two of the fairly large sized hams. [color=yellow]"These are fine then."[/color] She said, showing them off to Avaline. [color=yellow]Shall we head home? Maoin will probably be fine cooking these up.[/color] They were wrapped in some cheap looking twine so they could be carried a bit more easily. [color=yellow]"Do you want to carry one? If you do, no eating it yet."[/color] [center][color=green][h3]Katherine Lindall[/h3][/color][/center] Katherine finished up her stew. She had been eating between their discussion pieces. She paid and the ate, so now was as good a time as any to leave. [color=green]"Fair enough, shall we get going then?"[/color] The Puppeteer said as she got up from the table. [color=green]"Well, come with me. Let's see if I can get you something warmer."[/color] She added, leading Chione out of the restaurant. Luckily, this wasn't far from her home. They made it there in quick time. [color=green]"Now then, where are they?"[/color] She started to dig through her closet. [color=green]"Well, we have a really nice, fluffy dress in stock. Nice warm robes. Another dress not of your size... Well, I can make you something if you wanted. You'd just owe me a favor."[/color] She pulled out a measuring tool. [color=green]"I'd just have to take your sizes."[/color] [color=tan][h3][center]Kozue Komichi[/center][/h3][/color] [color=tan]"You better choose your words wisely, Demon. If you can't back up that guarantee, then you might have to reconsider a lot. If a melee attack didn't work before, maybe you should change tactics."[/color] The priestess ducked down low to dodge the horizontal strike. From there, she bounced back up and used a kick to bounce the spear away. She really couldn't be hit by that thing. It'd be dangerous for sure. With that deflected, she moved in close and struck at the center of Marie's chest with her fist. [color=b22222][h3][center]Solana Lightsword[/center][/h3][/color] [color=b22222]"Ahh, Ariadne!"[/color] Sol said as the spider skittered off to it's web. Well, she shouldn't have been too surprised. She did just get rudely removed. [color=b22222]"You better not scare Ariadne again, Kitty."[/color] Sol said looking away from the cat with a pouty face. [color=b22222]"And I'm just a little hungry."[/color] She added, not really wanting to look it. She had not really ate for a while had she? [color=teal][h3][center]Mugi the Yuki-Onna[/center][/h3][/color] Mugi couldn't help but blush at Livia's insinuation there. Cynthia? Make her melt? Well, how charming an idea, but she wasn't sure if she were ready for that type of thing yet. [color=teal]"I think she's been fairly focused on her work. She gave me easy things to do like washing the floor, cleaning windows.... That sort of stuff."[/color] Cynthia had come to check on her a few times, but Mugi had expressedly stated, "Leave this to me!"