[color=6ecff6][b]Longfellow - Vertibird Crash[/b][/color] [i] “Maybe we could make some kind of sleigh to put the crates on?”[/i] "Aye, seems like a good plan," Longfellow nodded, "The townsfolk can start stripping the bird and make some kind of sled from the parts. Ain't got to go far...just far enough to get us back to town. Don't know what to do 'bout the power armor, but I'll leave that to you two," He said, pointing to the two James', "Lets get this done and get this done quick. I don't want to be out here any longer than we have to. Them cultists might be back any moment now." As the townsfolk went to work, Longfellow walked back over to the body of Avery and knelt down while holding his rifle by the barrel and propping it stock-first in the ground, "What the hell got into you Avery?" He asked to the corpse. "That's not Avery," Rose muttered as she walked by, "Hasn't been for a long time." Longfellow furrowed his brow at the Railroad Agent but didn't reply, unsure of what she meant. He guessed it had something to do with this 'Synth' nonsense. He ignored her and looked up at the treeline surrounding them, the feeling of being watched was hard to shake. For all they knew, the cultists could be on their way right this moment. Longfellow stood back up and glanced over at the other corpses, particularly those belonging to the Brotherhood. "Odd ain't it," He said, to no-one in particular, "Avery had them cover the bodies. Almost like they was getting ready to bury them. Didn't loot them or anything...odd bit of respect to show your enemies..." He shook his head, "Guess it don't matter though. Now we gotta bury em'." "Come on," He said, urging the townsfolk to move quicker, "Lets get a move on." ------------------------------------------------------------------- [b]Far Harbor - Returning from the Scavenging Mission[/b] Working quickly as they could, and with the townsfolk's help, the group managed to scavenge what they could from the vertibird and take Avery's body along with them. The going was slow at first, but once they got back into the ruins of the old town, they breathed a sigh of relief: glad to be free of the oppressive foliage. Pretty soon, they were dragging their loot back through the gates of Far Harbor and into the center of town. Just about everyone in Far Harbor came out to see the triumphant return, although their mood became much more somber when they noticed Avery's body. As the group began to unload the gear and supplies, one of the Hull watchman gave a shout, and pointed to The Fog. "Something's coming!" He yelled out. Looking out towards the ruins, a single light bobbed and weaved through the old town and towards The Hull. As the light grew closer, it became clear that it was coming from a lantern. The lantern, unsurprisingly, was held by someone. A cultist wearing some type of painted white armor and cloak stepped out into a clearing in the fog. The face of the figure was covered, not by the usual masks, but by a helmet. Looking closely, military-minded members of the group would likely recognize the armor as being that of pre-war marines. The figure spoke with a voice that was filled with both conviction and authority, "Hold your fire," the armored cultist asked, a male voice audible through the helmet, "I'm not here to fight. I'm here to retrieve the bodies of our fallen brothers and sisters. The one you know as 'Avery', we know by another name. She is not the friend you once knew, I'm sorry to say. Captain Avery was dead long before today. The woman you killed...should be with her family, not with you. Do us this kindness...and we will return the favor in kind."