[quote=@KawaiiKyouko] Hmm, I came to think about a thing since we now dive into territory regarding the shaping of society, religion and the like. How will the philosophical progressiin be like, given that all mindsets and thoughtpatterns are inherited by philosophers of old. Will we still have the German philosophers with the same ideals and with Hume's critical mind attacking, well, the Norse religion now instead? As in, just have some equivalents of those. Or will we have to build up aat completely new philosophical background? I mean, since we will discard Christianity, it's also plausible that the discrimination of women never took place, which would explain how women could even attend school, but it also removes the importance that certain early feminist philosophers like Olympe de Gouges and Mary Wollstonecraft which made way for them to have a role in society. I imagine such philosophy is less needed if the world already accept women, given how the Viking era was basically men rule the sea, women rule the homes kind of dichotomy. Oh dear, things are getting complicated. Exciting! [/quote] Those are some interesting thoughts. I'd say that they religion would likely consolidate differently over time (kinda steering towards the something similar to Valkyria Profile's religion), but their philosophy wouldn't change too much immediately. Western philosophy is largely dependent on Classic Greek and Roman thought schools. If nothing else, having a society that never transitioned to rigid monotheism but instead kept open to the trading of ideas that most polytheistic societies seemed to be pretty chill about would allow for some modern schools of thought to blossom far earlier. At the very least, the society as a whole would be more advanced and educated because the Church actively forbid non-clergy people from learning pretty much anything for a good part of history. Long term political stability would have suffered, though. Some modern nations analogous to France would have little to no reason to exist simply because a "Charlemagne" wold have no way of existing. Which probably means that various Celtic cultures are still the norm, or were so for a long time before congealing into some semblance of order. It's a heavy speculative setting, especially if there are some very light fantasy elements involved. Certainly with lots of possibilities to toy with. Anyway, as far as science and philosophy goes, I'm certain that there would be substantial advancements.