I remember when I got mine done. It was kinda meh. Was freaked out at first. But that anesthesia... When I was done, my mom thought it was a good idea to take me grocery shopping with her. I was, oh, 17 or 18 at the time. Yeah, so..... Walking through the store, she realizes she forgot something, sends me off to get it. Not only was I staring at the whatever for something like 10 minutes before realizing it was right there.... When I got back to the spot she was at, I wigged out, like a 5 year old and started bawling because I couldn't find my mommy. It took another shopper taking me to my mother and going "is this yours????" XD I had to hold onto the cart the rest of the shopping trip. : P The pain pills after that, well, I have blank periods *shrugs* They just knock me out. I am not good on pain pills. : P