[center] [h2][color=orange]Damon Fawkes[/color][/h2] Tattoo: 1 panther [/center] [hr] Damon can see things spiraling and spiraling fast. He inhaled and thought through his options while his panther looked back at him waiting to see what Damon would come up with. Ayita was about to tear out an enemy's throat. While he could not exactly shoot his teammate then again that would probably get Ayita away from wonderland. Perhaps a warning shot? Damon shook his head toward his panther to let it know that it was not to do anything just yet. Fully pulling back his arrow and aiming. With a swift movement the arrow shot through the air with the intent for it to land directly beside Ayita's face...and thus began the loading of the next arrow. If he had to he would shoot an arrow at Ayita, but that would feel like a betrayal to a friend. He really did not want to feel like he did such a thing to a friend. [hr] [center] [h2][color=lavender]Othello[/color][/h2] Condition:Medicated Shape: Cat [/center] [hr] Othello not hearing wonderland given he was no longer in the room and he was in a completely different area. He would not be able to help her at the moment, but he probably wouldn't help her even if he could figuring that she would be able to get out of that situation. Thus, he opened the door to try to find what exactly was causing a certain sabertooth to be so so upset this time. Being what Othello was he paused and lightly changed to his more compact neon cat shape. After stretching, Othello padded his way further in with a rather large smile on his small cat face. Occasionally he would wave his rather puffy pink striped tail as if it was helping him show where he was.